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The Light Microscopy Core Facility (LMCF) offers a wide range of confocal and conventional fluorescence microscopes and image analysis resources.Map Showing Duke Campus Buildings: · Aerial Map View: · Cluster Locations:.Reservations for the microscopes and workstations in the LMCF are made.We have compiled a range of guide and tutorials for our most commonly asked.Reservations for the microscopes and workstations in the LMCF are made.Light Microscopy Core Facility - Duke UniversityBooking - Light Microscopy Core FacilityCoreResearch@Duke Info - Light Microscopy Core Facility
This is a very brief introduction to the concepts and principles behind the.Data Server/Data Transfer Image Analysis Equipment Manuals Guides.The different buildings that house the LMCF microscopes have slightly different.The following reservation limits are in place to make the use of the LMCF.The Light Microscopy Core Facility (LMCF) at Duke serves as the Light Microscopy Shared Resource for the Duke Cancer Institute (DCI).Location - Light Microscopy Core FacilityGuides and Tutorials - Light Microscopy Core FacilityIntroduction to Microscopy. juhD453gf
Turn each microscope on and off as described, dont turn on components you wont.The recently established Advanced Light Imaging and Spectroscopy (ALIS). ALIS and the Duke Light Microscopy Core Facility LMCF are.Analysis software installed: Imaris 9.5; MetaMorph Premier; Leica LAS AF offline.Link to vendor website Imaging modes: DIC and brightfield transmitted light.Baylor College of Medicine Optical Imaging and Vital Microscopy Core. Duke University: Light Microscopy Core Facility. andgt; 124 Science Dr.The Light Microscopy Core Facility systems in the Nanaline Duke building are.Dorsal closure in Drosophila. Research Team: Ruth Montague and Daniel Kiehart.Confocal micrograph of a developing drosophila egg chamber stained to show.1 microscope and is running Microsoft Windows 7 Pro 64-bit with a dual CPU Xeon.Room LSRC C142 houses the Leica SP5 confocal for confocal imaging of fixed.CFP GFP YFP DsRed · GFP mCherry · Triple stain for Axio Imager filters.Pancreatic Islet. Pancreatic Islet showing BrDU (green), Insulin (red) and.Projection of dorsal view of muscle and tendon morphogenesis in the chick.The 980-square-foot facility represents a significant investment in the sciences at Duke, and complements the capabilities of the Light Microscopy Core.Podosomes and adhesion complexes on HDAC6-ablated MEF expressing cSrc-Y527F.The facility is overseen by a Faculty Advisory Committee, which in turn is.High-speed multidimensional imaging with optical sectioning · Spinning disk.High speed multi-modal imaging with optical sectioning with 2 pinhole sizes.Tiled image of an entire neonatal mouse cerebellum stained with Ki67 (red) and.Arabidopsis root - Transcriptional fusion of SHORT-ROOT (inset) as compared to.Microscope: Leica DMi8 motorized inverted Motorized scanning stage Lasers:.Director of the Light Microscopy Core Facility, Lisa Cameron, PhD, and the microscopy specialists Yasheng Gao, PhD, and Benjamin Carlson,.Equipment Type Fees (as of July 1, 2021) Laser scanning confocals.Nanoprobe Chip. nanoprobe chip. Confocal reflection image of a nanoprobe.This website uses cookies as well as similar tools and technologies to.Hardware OS Windows 7 64-bit Chip i7 920 @2.67 GHz RAM 16 GB RAM Graphics.Useful Microscopy Links General microscopy information Useful reviews at.ImageJ/FIJI, Zeiss (Zen) and Leica offline, Excel, MatLab and various other.Arabidopsis Embryo · Muscle Tendon Morphogenesis · Sea Urchin Embryo Pharynx.Liver Section. Liver section showing DAPI (blue), F-actin (green) and aSMA.No charge, no logbook, booking not necessary, training not required.Brightfield/darkfield transmitted/reflected light · Red and green fluorescence.Lisa Cameron. Director of Light Microscopy Core Facility at Duke University and Duke University Medical Center. Duke UniversityStanford University.Dapi, Green, Red fluorescence cubes. Lasers: 405 nm Diode laser; Argon/2 (458,.Room 4227 FFSC - The DeltaVision, a high-end widefield fluorescence imaging.Microscope: Leica DMI6000CS (inverted) Live cell chamber (Ludin cube) Metal.